You never forget the thrill of the first time you hear some songs you love played live...
My dad took me to my first concert at the Tulsa Fair Grounds to see Alan Jackson. I'm sure we went solely for the ever-popular Chattahoochee song. We'd sing it all the time, my mom thought we were just hilarious (obviously I had no idea what the song was about at such a ripe age). Though besides this being my first concert experience, it was also one of the first times I remember seeing my dad for the amazing man he is. Back then, anyone could smoke, anywhere really, and my Dad and I ended up with seats next to someone who was lighting up incessantly. Well, he marched over to a security man and said the seats just weren't going to work for he and his young daughter. And like magic, we were shuffled to the FRONT ROW. I thought my dad was superman that day.

I'm not 100% sure that this is my first concert, but it is the first concert that I remember being truly awesome. I was 10. I went with my mom, my 3 best friends and their moms! Mother-Daughter concert date! What is also so awesome about this concert is that Point of Grace and 4Him performed in
Gallagher-iba Arena... if you aren't an Oklahoma State University fan then that fun fact won't be as exciting to you. I remember our seats were on the court, my mom must have stood in line for days for those tickets! P.S. I googled and
found the article from 1996 about them performing at OSU, that was a big deal for 2 huge groups to perform in Stillwater, Oklahoma!
I've been fortunate enough to see some pretty dope concerts in my day. However, I think seeing Garth Brooks for my first concert just set the bar unbelievably high. He's a phenomenal performer and one of the few country acts that is known and loved across the U.S. I'm also pretty partial to him because he says my name in a song.
Hello Samantha dear, I hope you're feelin' fine! (min 1:20)
I swear, hundreds upon hundreds of seats back from the stage, I know he was singing directly to me :)
To follow the themes of first concerts being country music or at the fairgrounds, mine was both! I grew up in a little bitty town called Woodward in Oklahoma (pop. 12,000), and for some reason, a somewhat successful country music singer named Bryan White gave a concert at our fairgrounds when I was in 6th grade. My dad took me and my best friend, and we sat at tables in folding chairs. It was weird, but also awesome. Bryan White was only really prominent on the country music scene around 1995-1998, but you might remember his songs "Rebecca Lynn," "Throw Another Nickel in the Well," "Someone Else's Star," or "My Heart's Sitting on Go," or even the song I put up for you above, which I still maintain is one of the saddest songs