Monday, September 3, 2012

Married to Jonas


Last year we decided to quit cable after football season (big college sports fans over here) and really, it went pretty well.  Netflix kept me entertained solely for months, but then I invested in some bunny ears to catch the local shows and all was fine and dandy.  Big high five for us.  That was huge.  Well, huge for me.

Guess what?  Fall is quickly approaching, so is football season, so it's cable time again!  My guy bought the cheapest package possible and guess what, basic is basic, friends.

No Bravo.  No ABC Family.  No MTV.  No Lifetime.  No TLC.  Did I mention no bravo?

But guess what does come with the basic of basic... E!  I'LL TAKE IT.  So as I'm watching E! for hours because it's all I have, I see a new-to-me show, Married to Jonas.


So I watch 1 episode, and another, and another... it's not bad.  I actually find it entertaining!  Lucky for me, today is a marathon of show after show after show.

Thank you, E!.  Thank you Ryan Seacrest! And thank you basic cable for providing me Labor Day entertainment.

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